Sevak Zargarian is a ceramic designer maker in London, UK, with a focus on process and materiality lending itself to the final outcome. His interests are with taking techniques in a new direction, guiding the work to make itself.
Sevak has set up his own studio House of Kaolin, where you can find him teaching workshops and courses and providing artists support for ceramic projects.
Studies, experiments and editions can be seen and bought through the shop.
Shortlist Homes&Gardens Young Designer of the Year 2015
BA Ceramic Design Central Saint Martins 2013
Sevak has set up his own studio House of Kaolin, where you can find him teaching workshops and courses and providing artists support for ceramic projects.
Studies, experiments and editions can be seen and bought through the shop.
Shortlist Homes&Gardens Young Designer of the Year 2015 BA Ceramic Design Central Saint Martins 2013
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